Current Status: Practicing artist and teacher of ceramic arts.
Education: M.A. Art Education, Western Washington University, B.A. in Art
Education, WWU, B.S. Technology Education, WWU.
Experience: 25 years classroom art teacher at high school and middle school
levels. Hockinson School District, Brush Prairie, Wa. 30 years practicing artist in
Vancouver Washington.
Professional Development: SW Regional Rep. for Washington Arts Education
Association 2011-2017. Committee member for creation and implementation of
Washington State Standards and Classroom Based Assessments and Grade Level
Expectations for the Arts. 2011-2014.
Professional Accomplishments: Pacific Northwest Sculptors member 2000-2023.
Vice-president elect PNWS 2023-. Vancouver Public Arts Committee member
2021-2022. Oregon Society of the Arts workshop leader2021-2022. Artist-in-
Residence at WayiWayi Studios, Zambia, Africa. 2016. Group showing at the
Aurora Art Gallery, Vancouver Wa. 2015. WAEA Art Educator of the Year, 2013.
WAEA Secondary Arts Educator of the year, 2014.
Exhibitions: Selected for Clark County Open Studios 2018-2019-2021. Group show-
Oregon Society of Artists Portland Or. 2021-2023. Group show-Rucus Gallery,
Bellingham, Wa. 2020. Group show-3 Square Art, Ft. Collins, Colo. 2020. Dual
artist’s show-The Cave Gallery, Vancouver Wa. 2019-2022. Vancouver Public
Library, public display, 2018. Maryhill Museum art educators exhibit, 2016.
Aurora Gallery, Vancouver Wa. 2017.
Contact Information: Email: [email protected]